Posted in personal
February 29, 2012

Day Three. Quiet.

All of these events happened the week prior. I documented this whole trip for you.

After the loudness of yesterday, I was looking forward to today. Going into this week, I knew that Wednesday night, the in-laws would take the boys to their great-grandmother’s for dinner.

I’m fairly certain that it was just the knowing I would get a break, but today seemed easier all around. Fewer fights, homework was faster… I’m fairly certain it actually any better, but it did seem that way.

My mother-in-law was running late, and my father-in-law reminded me that if TheBoy and I wanted to have dinner together, we’d need to leave a bit earlier than usual. So if I got all the kids’ things togther, he’d watch them.

We drove up to our “new place” – a little coffee bar/cafe. Thanks to my hair, we’ve been promoted to regulars. Everyone remembers the girl with the green hair. Especially the woman who works there with purple hair.

I’ve joined this sisterhood of women with alternative hair colors, something I hadn’t counted on when I dyed it. It’s been wonderful- though I’ve been ill-prepared to explain why I went green. It sounds sad when I say that I was aiming for teal, but my hair was still too yellow. I have called it a happy accident, since I do love my peacock colored hair. Maybe I should just say that it felt like it was secretly a different color than dark brown for years. I’m just relieved that the color is finally where everyone else can see it.

Shortly after dinner, TheBoy had to leave for work. It’s odd to be alone. Especially when my brain can’t quiet itself enough to write fiction. We’ve stayed here, TheBoy and I, for weekend getaways. Getaways that are usually interrupted by the demands of his job (he works a lot of overtime), and turn into writing weekends for me. So it seems foreign to be sitting here and lacking the words to do more than sum up this insanity.

I think I’ll turn in and get back to reading American Gods.