<img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="https://www.whitneydrake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/kidletbros-disney-infinity-blog-thumbnail-300×300.png" alt="kidletbros disney infinity blog thumbnail" width="300" height="300" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-7098" srcset="https://www.whitneydrake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/kidletbros-disney-infinity-blog-thumbnail-300×300.png 300w, https://www.whitneydrake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/kidletbros-disney-infinity-blog-thumbnail-150×150.png 150w, https://www.whitneydrake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/kidletbros-disney-infinity-blog-thumbnail.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="" data-jpibfi-post-url="https://www.whitneydrake.com/2015/08/31/kidletbros-first-impressions-of-disney-infinity-3-0/" data-jpibfi-post-title="#KidletBros: First Impressions of Disney Infinity 3.0″ data-jpibfi-src=”https://www.whitneydrake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/kidletbros-disney-infinity-blog-thumbnail-300×300.png” >This Sunday, BIL and his girlfriend surprised the KidletBros with Disney Infinity 3.0. The Saga Bundle (w/ Boba Fett!) and a bunch of figures to get them started – it’s their birthday and Christmas present from them. (I should point out it was only a surprise to the Kidlets, they’d asked us ahead of time if it was okay)
What they got – the Saga Bundle, which included Boba Fett and the Twilight of the Republic playset (which came with Anakin and Ahsoka) and the Classic Trilogy. Then they bought Sabine, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Olaf and a set of SW power discs.
Little Kidlet (age 7) has been playing 3.0 pretty much nonstop and finished the Twilight of the Republic playset (well, the main story) this afternoon – with a little help from Oldest Kidlet and myself.
So I figured I’d talk about it- so… spoilers for the Twilight of the Republic playset as well as Clone Wars (the animated series) behind the cut.
The storyline of this is clearly where the Clone Wars series left off. Well, nearly. Ahsoka’s still a Jedi, and Darth Maul is still in charge of Death Watch and is fighting for power in the galaxy.
Gameplay. It’s a lot like 2.0, though the skill trees are a lot less complicated. In short, it looks like you can unlock everything here. (We haven’t leveled everyone up to 20 yet) If you’re playing a Jedi, you can use the force to shove enemies back and no matter who you play the mechanics allow you to dodge attacks left and right.
Like the Marvel playsets in 2.0, you can collect coins for Star Wars characters from the other playsets to cross over. Only, here, you just have to get one. We’ve unlocked a bunch of Star Wars Rebels characters as well as Classic Trilogy. (Of the figures we own, the kids can now play as Luke, Boba Fett and Sabine)
The game takes you to a lot of familiar locations – Coruscant, Tatooine, Naboo, Geonosis. You get to reenact a lot of iconic moments from the movies, from podracing to fighting in the arena on Geonosis… well to the big finale. More on that in a bit.
Some of the coins placements will make you laugh. (Hint: I laughed far too hard at where Boba Fett’s coin was. Think: full circle)
Sadly, Jar Jar is part of the Twilight of the Republic playset. I’m sorry. I really am. Little Kidlet squealed when they saw him, but I groaned when the pop up screens that spelled out everyone dialogue had Jar Jar’s dialogue spelled phonetically. Meesa gonna cry, real big tears.
But hopefully this will make up for it – Darth Maul. Voiced by Sam Witwer.
There are a lot of challenging bad guys, the big bad fight at the end (Maul) is appropriately epic. And naturally, you get the scores from the movies in the playsets. Care to take a guess what’s playing when you fight Darth Maul?
You can unlock vehicles to travel around the planets in (to Little Kidlet’s delight, he could ride Anakin’s speederbike) as well as starfighters to fly between planets. You even get to engage in some fighter battles.
All in all, this playset is a lot of fun – I missed LK playing through the Classic Trilogy playset. He’s up to Hoth, and currently having struggles with flying a snowspeeder and taking down an AT-AT. I tried to help him, but really I had nothing but flashbacks to Rogue Squadron. “Just one more pass.”
Currently Little Kidlet is finishing each and every side mission and looking for as many coins as he can. Here’s to hoping he can find Leia’s. That would be awesome.
The biggest difference between 3.0 and 2.0 is that while the Introduction to the Toy Box was just something you could pop in an out of, 3.0 uses a Toy Box hub – and makes it integral. Something parents might like, you can’t add any decorations to the Hub. So there’s no way for your kids to get rid of buildings and load it up with so many decorations that it won’t let you generate bad guys.
We haven’t explored all the sections yet, but the sidekicks (as seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy Kyln mini-game in 2.0) are part of the hub, and there’s all kinds of things for them to do. Also, there are a lot of mini-games- we’ve tried out a Phineas & Ferb obstacle course (which plays P&F music!!), but there’s still a lot more to try out.
Did you get Disney Infinity 3.0? What figure and playset have you been waiting for?