Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of Hen & Chick, Episodes 1-5 to review, but all thoughts are my own.
Hen & Chick, by Tristan J Tarwater, is a sword & sorcery serial about a daughter and her mother. Azria is 16 and a mage in training who quickly finds herself the mage aboard The Hen & Chick, her mother’s ship. Learning the ropes and finding herself on the beginning of an epic adventure.
Tarwater is great at world building, Hen & Chick is no different. Unlike some fantasy books that spend more time on geneologies and history than moving a story along, the story moves at a pace that allows Azria to take in her surroundings and for us to learn about the world, but isn’t weighed down by the details.
Azria’s a great main character. Certain she can take on the world, but at the same time worried where she fits in it. Playful and curious, she has a quick tongue that seems to have gotten her in trouble in the past.
Bottom line: Hen & Chick is a fun serial for teens on up, definitely worth checking out and sharing with friends.
You can purchase Episodes One – Four on Amazon. (Link goes to Episode One)
You can also subscribe to the series using Gumroad – for $2 a month (or more, if you like) you’ll get all the episodes to date, and with the next month, you’ll get the next installment, as well as an email about the World of Mun (the setting for Hen & Chick and the Valley of the Ten Crescents).
Also: Check out Tristan J Tarwater’s site, which lists her other works and where you can get them. As well as her social media accounts.
What’s your new favorite read? I’d love to hear it.
I’m really looking forward to reading this series!