It’s a rainy day here in SoCal. Which means that it isn’t actually raining. It’s been drizzling most of the day, heavily enough to ensure that the roads (and my windshield) stay wet, but not enough that you need an umbrella. Which is why I was surprised when on the way home I saw a…
Category: entertainment
The Major Award.
Yesterday I was on the phone with my mom (yes, I do talk to her a lot) and she reminded me of a story that had us laughing. Last spring, I got a phone call from the Oldest Kidlet’s teacher. “Sorry for the last minute call, but OK is getting an award tomorrow, and it’s…
Goodbye Olympic Mania
Last night was the Closing Ceremonies- and between DirecTV and NBC, it was a pretty dismal night for me. NBC ran a long retrospective on the entire Olympics (in case you hadn’t seen any of the 15 previous looks at Michael Phelps’ quest for Olympic greatness or heard anything about the Fab Five and their…
Play nice, Geeks!
At this rate, I’m never going to blog about my vacation. It would seem that the new thing to do to get some page views is to suggest that most attractive female geeks are posers. Sometimes it’s just done by drunken idiots (like the guy who tweeted about Felicia Day being a fake geek without…
Brave. See it.
Here there be spoilers. This is both my review of Brave as well as a discussion about the movie- while I tried not to get too in depth with the movie, it’s hard to address some of the criticism the movie’s received without discussing the movie. If you want to remain spoiler free, the title…
People are funny.
Adam Carolla has a book out. In an interview promoting that book, he said that women aren’t funny. Yes, it wasn’t a coincidence. He trolled us all, knowing that that his name alone isn’t going to sell his book. Unfortunately, the notion that women aren’t funny is everywhere. Don’t like a particular female comedian? Just…
Giving the Pirate Princess a new look.
We watch a lot of Disney Channel, and in particular “Jake and the Neverland Pirates.” Pirate isn’t up there in the header for my blog for no reason- I’ve been a fan of pirates since I was little, and obviously, I’ve passed on that interest to my boys. Almost a year ago to the day,…
Catwoman, why are you bending like that?
For some reason DC thought it’d be smart to reboot their universe, and then issue a series of #0 issues to explain how the characters got to be who they were in the reboot. This is the cover of Catwoman #0 (I know, it says #1- but the zero covers all have the characters busting…
Why I won’t be playing the new Lara Croft game.
Note: This post still gets a fair amount of traffic, so I wanted to note that at the end of this post (and the related posts) there’s an update. Back when I was in college, everyone had Tomb Raider. I was no exception. Not to mention- I liked Lara Croft. I am a huge Indiana…
Yes, Star Wars.
I went to drop off the Little Kidlet at school yesterday, and made the mistake of taking the route near the freeway. The freeway was backed up, and so were the side streets. So I turned around and went my other route- driving over a hill back into our neighborhood. But I was starving by…