Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO was at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Arizona, and asked by Maria Klawe (Harvey Mudd College President and Microsoft board member) what women should do if they feel uncomfortable asking for a raise. And well, he suggested that they don’t ask for raises. But believe in the…
Category: The Wired Mom
[Vlog] Tech on the Go!
It’s Vlog #6 – And this time I’m talking about what I use to stay connected on the go! (Because really, I’m mildly addicted to my phone and spend a lot of time away from outlets) These are the two items I mention: HyperJuice Micro – made by HyperShop, ChargeCard – These are…
My children are too much like me!
Hey! Listen! Every day, I share weird anecdotes and comments about the kidlets being geeklings. They really do take after me, in that they love video games, Star Wars, comic book characters (though in their animated adventures), and Ninja Turtles! But they also get just as obsessed about things as I do. (Whitney get obsessed?…
A Twitter User’s Take on Self Promotion
I’m the first to admit, I’m not a social networking guru. Though really- anyone who calls themselves a guru probably isn’t an actual expert. (I’m not an expert, but if I were, I would never call myself a guru) What I am is someone who has been on Twitter for 6 years now. Six years!…
App Review: Flickr
Since last month’s Instagram debacle, I decided to review alternative apps. My requirements? There had to be versions for both iPhone and Android. (While my requirement is that it has to be available on both of the main platforms, these reviews are for Android only, since I don’t have access to an iOS device) I…
App Review: EyeEm
If you’ve read my post about Instagram and their new Terms of Service, I updated it. Just so you don’t have to click to another page, this is the latest: Instagram blogged about the backlash, admitting they weren’t very clear in the way they wrote it (actually, they said that we just misinterpreted it because…
Instagram: What you need to know.
Since was originally posted, there have been developments from the story. I’ve marked the updates down at the bottom. Not that long ago, Facebook acquired Instagram. They integrated it into Facebook, and the internet rejoiced. Well, today Instagram began informing users about their updated Terms of Service– mostly to bring them more into line with…
The Wired Mom: Facebook and Privacy
Yet again, on Facebook, there’s a slew of copy/paste statuses claiming to protect your privacy. It seems to happen about once a year, and out of the 300+ people I follow, I wind up seeing a fair amount of these. This time, this is the post that’s going around: In response to the new Facebook…
Raising geeklings.
It shouldn’t come as a shock that my kids are pretty geeky. They grew up loving Star Wars. We started them off with the original trilogy only, and then The Phantom Menace after they found the DVD and thought Darth Maul looked “awesome.” And while they love slapstick, they are not Jar Jar fans. While…
Superfan or Bot?
Every day I look at my site analytics. I use pMetrics in addition to Google Analytics, because pMetrics gives me live data. (I’m not paid by them, but I really like what I get to see) When you log in, it gives you an overview of how many people had visited your site, as well…