Watching the Indy marathon on the Paramount Channel, I’ve come to a realization. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull isn’t as bad of a movie as society collectively decided it was. …first things first, I am not defending the alien subplot. I will never defend any plot point that implies that the people of the Americas…
Category: personal
Lots of unfinished posts.
I’m clearing out my drafts by making this post. I had a lot of posts I started and never finished: It hurts to watch adults on Facebook criticize teenagers for protesting for gun control. Because inevitably, it’s baby boomers who suggest that bullying is the real problem with mass shootings – which ignores the fact…
Why Hockey is For Everyone… isn’t.
Note: Despite the tone, I wouldn’t be this harsh if I didn’t love the sport. My two favorite teams are both called out, because I think they could do better. We’re entering Hockey is For Everyone month. This is the second year of the NHL’s initiative for inclusivity. To highlight disabled players, women’s hockey as…
Why the NYT missed the point. Twice.
The New York Times ran a profile on a Nazi from Ohio. I won’t link it, but you’ve probably read it. It’s a “thought provoking” look. Yes, I quoted that with an eyeroll. It’s drivel, from beginning to end. Sure it mentions some of the gross beliefs he has, but the entire article points out…
#MeToo: Exposing how deep rape culture goes.
This has been a couple of wonderful and terrible months – all because of the wave of victims coming forward to talk about their experiences being sexually harassed or assaulted. (Content and Trigger warnings for discussion of sexual harassment, sexual assault and misogynistic responses to accusations) It is hard to share your story. So many…
Choices and Image Rehabilitation.
Last night on the Emmys, one of the most talked about moments was Sean Spicer coming out with a podium – ala Melissa McCarthy’s performance of him. The crowd at the Emmys was stunned, but it got laughs. And indeed, a lot of people found it funny online. And heck, James Corden, tried to kiss…
High Functioning, Chronically Ill
I live with Crohns. I am also ridiculously high functioning when sick – I always have been. When I was first diagnosed with Crohns, it was because I had a really really low hemoglobin count that sent me to the hospital for a blood transfusion. Literally everyone was surprised that I was standing- yet, there…
Lot’s going on
There’s a lot going on in the world right, but I thought I’d share a couple of things. The ACLU of California said that White Supremacist Violence is not free speech. The National ACLU said they agree with this statement, but will protect their speech until it turns violent. It’s a little disappointing- since in…
Freedom of Speech, Terms & Conditions, and your Right to Privacy
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. The Daily Stormer, a White Supremacist site is now homeless on the internet after GoDaddy terminated their hosting and then Google denied a request to host their domain as well. At the same time, the White House is trying to subpoena Dreamhost for the IP…
#No Confederate, bad ideas, and what censorship isn’t
If you’ve been on Twitter the last two Sundays, you probably saw the hashtag #NoConfederate trending. Confederate is the next show announced by HBO and the men behind Game of Thrones, D. B. Weiss and David Benioff. (Well, the non George RR Martin men behind the show) It aims to show an alternate universe where…