Well, after a long gap in vlogging (I really was having a hard time getting over the cancellation of Agent Carter) – the Vlog is back! I’m doing another #WhitneyWatches video, but this time I’m taking on my biggest challenge yet – Season Two of Supergirl! This video’s mostly about the new additions and what…
Category: personal
Biphobia and some really shitty timing.
I’m out. I’m bi. I am fortunate enough to be in a position where I can be more or less out in all of my life. My family, my close friends all know. I work for a company where that doesn’t matter, and so things are good. But growing up, I knew I liked boys…
Trauma Recovery is A Never-Ending Fight.
Note: If you’re one of the parties in this ongoing drama, stop reading my site. This post is about my Trauma recovery. I am posting it in the hopes that it might help someone dealing with Trauma feel like they aren’t broken. Or help loved ones understand what someone is going through. I’ll be sad…
I’m Tired.
This is a big weekend. Lots of people remembering 9/11 with a solemnity and fervor that I simply can’t muster any more. I won’t ever forget it, but I can’t dwell on it. The lessons that we as a nation have taken from it weren’t the right ones. Instead of coming together, recognizing extremism (which…
TRAILER: HIDDEN FIGURES (and raising a kid who asks tough questions)
So one of the downsides to raising socially aware children is that they’re going to ask you uncomfortable questions. The Oldest Kidlet is going through a massive space phase (though I get the inkling that this isn’t a phase, but a calling). Where I wanted to be an astronaut at his age, he wants to…
Allies: Don’t Pretend to Come Out.
Over the weekend, Tyler Posey posted a video to his Snapchat. He was at Gay St and said, very happily. “That’s me. I’m gay!” People waited for confirmation that he was in fact, coming out, and in the end – they got an apology from Posey. Because he was attempting to make a statement of…
Ilvermorny: the many problems with JKR’s new school
It’s easy to find a lot of discussion right now about JK Rowling’s latest expansion of the Harry Potter universe. In order to expand the world for her new series of movies, Fantastic Beasts, she branched out to North America. And the equivalent of Howarts is Ilvermorny, the North American Wizarding School. Most of the…
Every time. Why there’s no need for heterosexual pride or white pride
On the internet, trending today, I saw something about white history month and “Heterosexual Pride Day”. Any time there’s a marginalized group celebrating themselves, out come white or straight people to wonder where the day is that they get to celebrate themselves. I’m going to be blunt. That’s every day. You can turn on a…
When do we say that enough is enough?
My heart hurts. I don’t say this because it’s what is being said… I say this because those people who died in that club in Orlando? Those are my people. (I didn’t know them, but those were still my people – both LGBT and Latinx) There were nearly two more attacks on Pride events this…
The Ancient One is… Celtic?
Marvel, seemingly responding to critics about casting Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One, released the background for the character. Saying that this embodiment is Celtic. Well here’s the statement: Marvel has a very strong record of diversity in its casting of films and regularly departs from stereotypes and source material to bring its MCU to…