When I was thinking of things for the baby shower, I wanted it to be easy to eat. Something that anyone would feel comfortable grabbing and enjoying a bite. Which led me to mini quiche. I admit, I’m not a big fan of eggs. But when you have eggs, milk and cream mixed together with…
The Ultimate Sandwich
So, I got a Flip UltraHD for my birthday. I got it, on the promise that I’d take more videos of my children. But really, I had fond memories of my sister and I, making silly home movies with our camcorder. Somewhere there is a tape with our bizarre version of Wizard of Oz, lip-synching…
Language? We don’t need no stinkin’ national language.
One of the common complaints I’ve heard in the immigration reform debate is that the United States needs to make English the official language. That we’ll save money in only printing one versions of forms, and right now we’re catering to illegal immigrants. Why am I even mentioning this issue? Someone on Facebook (an app…
The Newsweek article on Gay Actors, revisited
After the internet rose up against Ramin Setoodah (whose name is now one that I remember how to spell), he posted a follow-up to the original article. In short, he was misconstrued. His point was that thus far, there hasn’t been a major leading man who was openly gay and wondering if it was possible….
The Happy Daughter Cheesecake project
I love cheesecake. As a kid, when my mom brought home the frozen cheesecake from Trader Joe’s, I knew I was ready for something special. When I was first dating TheBoy, I knew we were meant to be when I discovered that he made cheesecakes from scratch. It was a sign. I’ve made a few…
Ina Garten’s Mac & Cheese
Ina Garten’s Mac & Cheese has been in my bookmarks for almost a year now, after I saw her make it on an episode of Barefoot Contessa. Not too long ago, a dear friend wondered if I had a good recipe of macaroni & cheese, and I remembered this. So when we had a wonderfully…
Julie and Julia – Bruschetta Recipe with Pan Fried Crostini
After seeing Julie & Julia- I prepared the first meal that we see Julie Powell make (pre-Project, for those wondering). Bruschetta with a pan-fried crostini. It’s a very simple recipe (I made it in practically no time at all- even after I accidentally burnt the first batch of bread. So don’t walk away from the…