Posts Tagged With: disneyland

Everyday magic.

This weekend, TheBoy and I went to Days of the Wolf, a Teen Wolf convention. But that isn’t what that…

When plans fall apart.

Being a mother has become a lesson in flexibility. When I was younger, plans were plans. If they fell through,…

Doing the Time Warp.

Over the weekend, TheBoy and I snuck out for dinner. We went to the same restaurant we had our first…

It’s my birthday, I’ll wear a wampa if I want to.

Sorry about missing a post on Friday (I try to post M-W-F, and if I have more to say, post…

Tick Tock

Tomorrow is my 5k. It’s getting real! TheBoy and I have checked into our hotel, picked up our racing bibs……

What will I do?

I had a blog post ready to go on my laptop… We’re on vacation, you see.  Returning to a hotel…

A past, vanishing.

A friend of mine posted on my wall on Facebook to ask me the name of the venue I got…

Sunday. 9.11

Sunday was the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. Because it is impossible to forget, I didn’t want to spend my time…

Getting caught up.

I suppose I’m glad I didn’t try to set up affiliate accounts with Amazon or Overstock. Because California wants to…

Disneyland and Bravery.

The Oldest Kidlet is a lot like me. Same drive, same short-temper (which I’ve learned to control). Same need to…