In recent months Gina Rodriguez has come under fire for repeatedly putting her foot in her mouth when it comes to advocating for better wages for Hispanics, as well as more roles for Hispanics in media. And I’m sure there are some advocates who don’t know what you’re supposed to do in order not to…
Tag: representation matters
Lots of unfinished posts.
I’m clearing out my drafts by making this post. I had a lot of posts I started and never finished: It hurts to watch adults on Facebook criticize teenagers for protesting for gun control. Because inevitably, it’s baby boomers who suggest that bullying is the real problem with mass shootings – which ignores the fact…
Biphobia and some really shitty timing.
I’m out. I’m bi. I am fortunate enough to be in a position where I can be more or less out in all of my life. My family, my close friends all know. I work for a company where that doesn’t matter, and so things are good. But growing up, I knew I liked boys…
OscarsSoWhite – The Clif Notes Version
Since the nominations for this year’s Academy Awards were released, the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite has been going around. It’s prompted calls for boycotts from Jada Pinkett-Smith, and many A-Listers have been weighing in with their own opinions. And I’ve had a lot of IRL conversations with people who really don’t seem to know what the issue…
SIGNAL BOOST: Black Girl Magic Lit Mag seeking submissions
This post popped up on my Tumblr dash, so I wanted to make sure others saw it. If you know a black woman who writes speculative/experimental fic about black women (or if you are one) – this might be for you! Just read the embedded post and click through for more information! I am…
I Skipped the Oscars and Patricia Arquette was WRONG.
(I should state that these opinions are my own. They are not a reflection of anyone that I know who works in Hollywood. Wouldn’t want any of you to get flack for my opinions.) I didn’t watch the Oscars this year. And I’m happy I didn’t. I did catch John Legend and Common’s performance. And…