Posted in Mom
May 7, 2010

Crib Recalls

Once upon a time, I wanted to start a blog called The Wired Mom. Both because I’m constantly wired on caffeine and well, plugged in to gadgets. Since this blog has been more or less successful for me, I think I’ll add it as a regular feature here.

Today is a very serious post for those with kids- Crib Recalls. There have been a rash of crib recalls, focusing mostly on drop-side cribs. They started with some of the low end manufacturers, where the tracks and mechanisms failed- allowing the bottom of the side to pop out, which caused some children to become trapped and die.

The recalls have continued to spread up through the manufacturing world and right now, a voluntary recall (meaning none of their cribs have been linked to deaths yet) has been issued for models made by C & T International/Sorelle/Golden Baby Inc. To see if your crib is included, just click on this link where they have a full list of the models (as well as a link to C & T International’s site, which at the moment consists entirely of recall information).

They’re offering a kit to convert the drop-side crib (which they urge parents to stop using until the kit has been installed) to a fixed side crib. No dropping? No deaths. You can order the kit through their website or buy making a call- it’s free.

As a reminder, routinely inspect your crib to make sure that slats haven’t come loose, that the metal frame underneath is still sturdy and that the drop side (especially if yours hasn’t been recalled yet) doesn’t seem to be loose at all. If it is, find a safe sleeping replacement for your kidlet until you can get a replacement crib.

(The picture? That’s the Oldest Kidlet in his Sorelle crib which is on the recall list! We’re still using it for the Little Kidlet, and have already ordered our replacement kit.)

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