Posted in personal, writing
November 15, 2011

Muse. Or the devil sitting on my shoulder, you pick.

Here I am, trying to write a blog post that has nothing to do with my kids or being sick.

I’ve started a few posts, but as I start typing, I hear her purr in the background. One of the characters from the thing I shouldn’t be writing at all, my literary equivalent of a little bit of candy after dinner.

While I’ve always written (including a truly atrocious spy novella in high school), I spent almost a decade running an online Star Wars RPG- which was a huge writing jam between friends. While I guided some of the adventures, I also got to play a chunk of characters. It was fun.

The game ended (mid-adventure, unfortunately) and now I’m left a character that simply will not go away. I’ll write one thing, and there she is- whispering in my ear and stroking my arm (at least that’s what she’d be doing if she was a real person). “You know you’d be having more fun if you write me.”

Usually she’s right.

But sometimes I want to write about serious things and struggle to make sure I’m getting those posts right. And there she is, lurking in the back of my mind. Trying to distract me.

I suppose the point of this post is to wonder if I’m alone in this. I’m off to feed the muse tonight instead of the novel. If I can finish her story, maybe she’ll leave me alone.

Oh who am I kidding- another character from another project will probably just take her place.

Day 15 of NaBloPoMo

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